Legal notices

Publisher : Amyxdesign

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This site is hosted by the company OVH – 140 Quai du Sartel – Roubaix – France
The domain name has been registered with OVH since 2024.

Website created by: Amandine Prada - Amyxdesign, under WordPress CMS, with a personalized “Spitzer Music” theme.

Graphics and webdesign : Amandine Prada - Amyxdesign

Photo credits : Amyxdesign, Nidhal Marzouk for Sortilège, David Dauphin Dwidou Photography for Sortilège,
Philippe Wagner for Satan Jokers, Pierre Terrasson for Shakin' Street, Alex Mitram for Satan Jokers, Superfiz, Osmoz.

Legal information

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The videos, photos, texts and logos contained on the website are protected by intellectual property rights held by Their extraction is exclusively reserved for strictly personal, non-collective and non-commercial use. Any other use, transmission, rebroadcast or reproduction of these photos, texts, logos and applications for a purpose other than personal and non-commercial, including on another website without express and prior written consent from is strictly prohibited. Any reproduction (transfer to another medium) or use of data from the website is exclusively limited to the personal and private use of users of the internet network, to the exclusion of any distribution, particularly for commercial use. Any reproduction or use, even for private purposes, of all or a substantial part of the data on the website is strictly prohibited and may be prosecuted in accordance with articles L 343-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code , national regulations and international conventions in force. Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law.